Worth the Chance
© 2001 Z M Myerson
From the creators of Set Loose With a Camcorder

Today's comic:

***first_day*** ***previous_day***

Sickened and saddened by the events of our national disaster, we here at Worth the Chance and Lolicon Productions would like to say that the survivors and the victims' families are in our prayers.

[[ The Broken-down and semen-stained Chevy || The Junkies || Gallery || Links || WHAAAAAAAASUUUUUUUUUUUP? || Whatever ]]


R&D on toliets, the horror

"Worth the Chance" is © Z M Myerson for the year 2001. Void in Utah and wherever contest is forbidden. Please refrigerate for optimum freshness. Recommended use before the date of January 1, 1000 B.C. The sale of "Worth the Chance" without its cover is unathorized. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination and should be taken lightly with a couple hits of acid. Any resemblance to actual event or locales or person, living or dead, is entirely intended. May contain small hits of mescalin. Have you seen my pencil?: Name, Jerry Criso; DOB, 2/20/98; Age, 3; Ht., 2.2 inches; Wt., .2 ounces; Hair, none; Eyes, none; Sex, none; Date Missing, 8/30/2001; From, ABQ, New Mexico. If seen, please put it in the mail with the words "DICK" and "WAD" on both sides. Every "Worth the Chance" product is guaranteed to meet or exceed the quality standards of leading national brands. If you're not completely satisfied, fuck off, it's my comic. All rights reserved, Callahan.